Jim Collins' Flywheel exercise

Dear CC,

My Nashville chapter wants to develop our flywheels together. Has anyone created a process (you are willing to share) that I could use? Thanks in advance for considering my request.

Pat Shea



Discussion (7)

Hi Pat,

I have created a 2.5 hr workshop with power point on the Twelve Questions and about 20 videos which i embedded from Jims website. Let me know if this is too long or if you would like to use it.

Anni I'd love to see it - can you send it to Kandyhirsch@gmail.com

I would love it. Please share. You are always such a tremendous resource. thank you.


I'm planning to use the flywheel at an upcoming retreat. I started work on a presentation. Now that I know you have done one, would you mind sharing?

Linda Graebner (linda@lindagraebner.com)

Anni! I'd love this to use at my retreat in January. thank you. You can send to trendabb4@gmail.com

Hi Anni -

Would you please share your fly wheel presentation with me at tmarangascoach@gmail.com. Thanks for all your hard work.


Hi Pat et al, I'm running a two part workshop on the flywheel for women leaders later in November. It’s a total of 6 hrs. You can find more info here, WPO promo code WPOGBL2024 (50% off). Can also reach out after the workshop to share learnings on how content was received/best applied.

more info here https://flywheels-viralgrowth.gtmsmarts.com/

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