CC Updates 8/6: CC Training 8/7, NEW Date for Spanish CC Training, Survey Update, & New CCs/CC Transitions
August 6, 2024 4:00 PM
This Week: CC Training, August 7th
We look forward to seeing you all for CC Training, August 7th 12 - 2pm ET: "Innovative Recruitment: Practical Strategies to Grow Membership" with Gimena de Buen and Jordan Chambers.
Please bring your cell phones to the presentation for the interactive components. Additionally, please click HERE to download the WPO Intro Meeting, Recruiting Conversation guide that Gimena and Jordan will review during the training.
NEW DATE: CC Training IN SPANISH, August 23rd
The Spanish version of this session has been moved to August 23rd, 12 - 2pm ET. We look forward to seeing you all then!
Update: Member Survey
As discussed on the town hall, the yearly Chapter Chair evaluation is receiving a revamp into our new "Member Survey". WPO Headquarters is working on this to be released to your members ASAP. You will all receive a link for the survey that you can send to your chapters directly for their participation. Thank you for your patience on this!
New Chapter Chairs & Transitions
We have had a few incoming new Chapter Chairs as well as some recent Chair transitions. Please find these announcements below!
We appreciate your assistance in making our new Chairs feel welcome, who you may see at an upcoming virtual or in-person event. Additionally, we want to thank our departing Chapter Chairs for their work in the organization. We are grateful to have had you a part of the WPO!
Chair Transitions:
- Laura Crothers, Morris County, NJ, USA (as of 6/30/2024)
- Laura remains Chair of the Monmouth County, NJ, USA chapter
- Stephanie Kasen, New York II, NY, USA (as of 8/31/2024)
- Merilee Kick, Pittsburgh III, PA, USA (as of 9/30/2024)
New Chapter Chairs:
- Marie Guillot, San Antonio, TX, USA (new chapter launch)
- Kristin Morris, Minneapolis VII, MN, USA (new chapter launch)
- Yvonne Cangelosi, Morris County, NJ (existing chapter)
Upcoming CC Events
Please click HERE to see a list of all upcoming Chapter Chair events.
Thank you all, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Kind regards,
Tomi Jane DeTorres
Chapter Chair Manager, WPO